Friday, February 26, 2010


Things are moving along at the Perfect house. We are very busy. It seems like all we do is feed babies and change diapers. I have to remind myself sometimes to enjoy it and that it all flies by so quickly.
Chloe now weighs 11 pounds at 3 months old!! I can hardly believe she is a preemie. It's all so much different than it was with Cate. What a difference a few weeks makes! She sleeps MUCH better than Cate did at her age. Chloe's days and nights were turned around when she came home, but we worked hard on getting that fixed. She now sleeps 8 hours at night. I can't express how thankful I am for that. She has started cooing and smiling at us. So cute!
Cate is doing well! She is such a good girl! I cannot believe how easy of a child she is. She's quite a talker. Some of her favorite words are gaken (glasses), bye bye, baby, ring, dada, mama, hi dad... I could go on and on. About an hour after I put her to bed the other night she was yelling MAMA!!. When I went in to her room she whispered, "Hi". I really love this age. I wish I could keep her there forever. Cate weighs 17 pounds and is 15 months old. I think Chloe is going to catch up to her. She is almost walking, cruising all over the place. She loves music, always shaking her booty.
A few fun facts... When Cate was Chloe's age she weighed 5lb, 8oz. We usually schedule the bulk of our appointments on Mondays since Duke is off work Mondays. We figured out the other day that we have had 2 Mondays free since June! One of them was last Monday. We enjoyed it. :)
We took Cate to the circus today as you can see from the pictures. We had a great time! I love seeing things through her eyes. She is so fun. Thanks for checking in on us!

1 comment:

The Portas said...

I just love this update! I'm so glad things are going well for you guys. Jayne, I need to call you sometime. I was going to ask about how far along you were when you had both girls. Thank you thank you for posting the pics! Cate and Chloe could not be any cuter!!!