Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long Overdue

Hello everyone! This update is long overdue. Sorry to those of you who check in on us, but mostly to Cate and Chloe, who someday may read this.

Anyway, the girls are doing very well! We love summer! So sad it is almost over. I start my internship tomorrow (3 days a week, in Lincoln, for 9 months) to finish my masters. This will be my first time working since having Cate. I am already missing them. :( Cate is all over the place. She waited so long to walk that now she can't sit still. She's always on the go. Such a vibrant, happy personality. She loves Elmo, reading books, and kicking her soccer ball. She went in for a weight check with the pediatrician a couple weeks ago and was on the preemie chart for the first time ever. As we were leaving the office I heard the dr. and nurses clapping and cheering. Cate calls her little sister CoCo. Chloe is pretty close to walking. She is pulling up and is doing a little cruising. She constantly amazes us. She goes with the flow and has such a good disposition. She's pretty easy, overall. Cate weighs 21 1/2 pounds and Chloe is 17 1/2 pounds. I think pretty soon they will be wearing the same size. :) Cate is 21 months and Chloe is 9 months. Well, that's all for now. Thanks for checking in on us!

1 comment:

Barbi said...

Thanks for the update!! Love the pictures you put up recently.