Thursday, March 26, 2009

6 Pounder Club!!

Her first smile caught on camera!

Can you believe it?!! Cate is in the 6 pounder club as of Monday. We took her to the pediatrician. We see Dr. Maxwell so often we are becoming great friends. :) Cate weighed in at a wopping 6 lb, 4 oz. Immediately after she was weighed she took the biggest #2 I have ever seen. She got it all over the place. Duke and I were laughing hysterically. I am no longer nursing Cate. That seemed to be part of the problem. I don't think her suck was strong enough. So now we are giving her breast milk in a bottle with fortifier. Then I pump so we can keep the supply up. Whatever is best for Cate... I feel bad that I may have been starving her. I was so insistent that it would get better. Now that she is gaining weight she seems to be thriving in every way. She is smiling at us and cooing. She just seems so much more alert. She looks different every day. Duke still calls her 4 pounder. I think he'll call her that when she's 27. I am so excited to see her doing so much better and sad at the same time to see the time flying by. I am glad that I am home with her. This is definitely where I am supposed to be right now. We are all getting more sleep, which makes for a happier home. We have the eye dr on Monday. I am anxious to see how her eyes are doing. More later... Thanks for checking in on us.


The Portas said...

She is just gorgeous. That smile! :)

I'm glad you figured out a solution to the eating. That's what I had to do, too, and although the constant pumping is a pain, it really helped for Elijah, too. Keep up the weight gain, Cate! Six pounds, your huge!

Also glad you're all getting more sleep. It's amazing what a difference that makes in the general mood of the home. Take care! xoxo

Lizzi said...

It sounds like everything is working out for the best. She has such a cute smile!

carrie miller said...

What are you doing to me with that slide show! You are toying with my emotions! A great mom like you would try and stick it out with nursing because you know all of the great benefits, pumping will still give her all of those great things! It's tough I know but you will figure out what is right for all of you! Remember no one loves miss Cate like you and Duke! Thanks for the wake up call with the slide show-we all have miracles to be thankful for! Carrie