Monday, March 2, 2009


We've had a pretty good weekend. There's not a lot of sleep going on at the Perfect House. Cate just doesn't sleep much. We will put her in her bassinet when she's asleep and she'll start crying within ten minutes. She wants to be held a lot. I don't like letting her cry too much because she's burning calories and she doesn't have too much weight to lose. I went to the dentist today and the visiting nurse came by. Cate gained 2 oz since Friday. Kind of slow I suppose, but we'll take it. Right now she's laying in her bassinet. We've been working hard on trying to figure out what will make her like her bassinet. We now have a mobile hanging over it and just put in a memory foam sleep positioner. I have read that you shouldn't use either, but our baby isn't sleeping and neither are we so we've got to try something. I love the weekends because I get a lot more sleep than during the week. It's always nice to have someone there to help you. I also love the weekends because I can actually leave the house. I'm usually home alone during the week and I'm not supposed to take Cate out and about so I don't get out much. I ran some errands on Saturday and I was thinking that that was the first time I had been out of the house since Monday. I even enjoy going to Wal-Mart. :) Speaking of staying at home, it looks like I am now a stay-at-home mom. Many of you have been asking what is going on with work. I requested a leave of absence till June because of Cate being quarantined. My boss denied it. So I am now officially unemployed as of last Wednesday. It has been a stressful situation, but I know everything will be okay. Maybe a blessing in disguise. I know that being with Cate right now is where I belong. Thank you everyone for your prayers and gifts. It has made this whole situation so much easier having the support of so many. We love you! Please pray for Cate's surgery to go well this Friday. The video below is not the best quality, but we thought you'd like to see how active Cate is ALL THE TIME.


Kate Czerwinski said...

Perfect family: Holy Cow! So much has happened since I last read about Cate! Jane, I really hope that everything turns out good for you medically. It was a big surprise to read about all of your tests and appointments. I am glad to hear that Cate is gaining weight, albeit, slowly but surely. Don't hear much about Duke so I will assume that he is doing well. I should give you a little update about me...I was taken off of work on January 31st and then my little peanut--who may just be your future son-in-law--Zachary was delivered emergently on February 10th--my very own 28weeker. A whopping 1 pound 5 oz, he is living in the NICU now too! He is amazing and doing well, despite that he was supposed to be born May 3rd. He was only vented for a couple of days and has now been on High Flow O2 for a couple of weeks. He is on continuous feeds at 5cc an hour and just loves life! I have already returned to work, tonight is my first night back on 5 NICU, so I can save some of my vacation time for when Zach comes home. I am starting a blog for Zach--kateslittleman.blogspot. It's blank now but feel free to check it out soon! I will be praying for you all and for Cate to have a good surgery on Friday. I doubt she will come back to us but it would be great. If you don't mind having visitors, ring over to the receptionist and let them know what room Cate will be in. I work Friday night and would love to come see you guys. Take Care! Kate Czerwinski, care partner 5 NICU

The Portas said...

The little kicky legs are so cute! Squirmy little girl. Sorry to hear you guys aren't getting much sleep. It will get better. Jayne, I remember so well being THRILLED about getting to go to Target by myself. It was the most exciting thing in the world. I was skipping up and down the aisles. :) We are keeping Cate close in our prayers this week. The surgery will go great and it will be another hurdle behind you all...

Kristina Nash said...

I just wanted to double up on what Kate said...if you are up for visitor, please let us know where you are. I would love to stop by and see you all!!

I'm so sorry the sleep is not going to great. It will get better, I promise. Then you will think back to the long nights and kind of miss them (haha).