Saturday, December 13, 2008

6 Weeks Old

This week has flown by and we just realized Tuesday was our last post. SORRY! :(
Today Cate is 43 days old and 34 weeks gestation. She is continuing to move in the right direction. She is still on the high-flow nasal cannula and the vent machine has been completely removed from our room. The x-rays have stopped along with her blood gasses, taking blood from her tiny heels. Today Jayne was able to practice nursing with Cate for the first time and it went well. Dad also practices with Cate using a passifer while he holds her. We are now able to remove Cate from her isolette and hold her pretty much whenever we want! :) We are taking advantage of this. Before it was so difficult to hold her with the vent,CPAP and IV's always getting in the way and making Cate so angry and uncomfortable. She weighs at 2lbs 15oz. We asked when she will be able to move from an isolette to a crib. As long as she is healthy (no infections, sick) they think around 4lbs. On Monday Cate will be getting her picture taken and later this week an eye exam. We are very nervous about her eye exam as it is very common for preemies to have some problems. Here is a picture of bath time from earlier this week. Our nurse Mandi helped us. She loves Cate and Cate loves Mandi!!! :)


The Portas said...

Look at how beautiful she is!! What a precious little girl. Good job Mom and Dad.

She is really doing well, you guys. You have a fighter on your hands. Before you know it you'll be having toys hurled at your head (experienced that this morning).

We will pray for good results from the eye exam and for overall continued progress for your little one. And for you guys, too! You're doing a great job. I hope hospital life isn't too hard on you. Let us know if there's anything we can do to make it easier.

Megan & boys

Melissa K. said...

How wonderful is that?! Cate is doing an awesome job at fighting through this difficult time. What a trooper! She is such a doll! It's great to hear that you guys are getting to hold her more and that your wife was able to start to nurse. I bet it's such an amazing feeling for her. Great news, Guys!

Unknown said...

She is beautiful and getting so big! I'm still praying for you all and that Cate will be home soon, (hey it's mid December so time is flying fast).