Saturday, December 27, 2008

No O2

Today was the first day Cate was completely off of her oxygen. She breathed all on her own today. She is now up to 5 oral feedings a day and the Dr mentioned changing to a crib soon instead of her temperature controlled isolette as she is quickly approaching 4lbs. Due to the reduced oxygen flow today, she was a pretty tired baby which led to only 2 oral feedings. The other feedings went through her nose tube. We are still praying for a good brain ultrasound on Tues/Wed of this upcoming week. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and thanks for checking in :)


Unknown said...

That is wonderful news that Cate is off oxygen. I am happy to hear you all had a good Christmas. I will pray that Cate's brain scan turns out well. Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

The Portas said...

No O2, wow! We will definitely say some prayers for a good ultrasound this week. Thanks for the updates!

Tracy said...

You have such a sweet beautiful girl (like her mom) and a little stinker and a brave fighter (like her dad) we have had y'all in our prayers and heart and will continue as she grows stronger. We love you, Tracy, Amanda, Sarah and Rachael in NC