Thursday, December 4, 2008

Status Quo

Things are going pretty well. Cate is still on CPAP and seems to be doing well on it. They have kept her settings the same today because her x-ray showed that her lungs are a little hazy. Her C02's (blood gases) have been in the acceptable range. Her O2 is at 21% (room air, what you and I breathe). I got to hold her for about an hour yesterday. We haven't been holding her everyday. Most days we don't ask because we know holding her is good for her, but it also wears her down. We want to make sure she gets all the rest she can so she can get strong and get off CPAP. The highlight of our day is changing her diaper. Who would have thought! The dr said that assuming she does well on CPAP she could be off of it within a week. Then they would put her on high flo. Her personality is really starting to shine through. She gets really upset when messed with, but quickly calms down when her needs have been met. Oh, and she's 2 lbs. 9 oz.

Each day seems to fly by in the NICU. I would have thought it would drag. But with dr's and nurses coming in, changing diapers, pumping, family and friends stopping by, Duke walks in before I know it (at 7:30 pm).

I'll try to post a picture later tonight. We have been trying not to take too many pictures of Cate because we know the oxygen she's been getting could have a negative effect on her eyes and we don't want to contribute anymore to that.


Melissa K. said...

That's awesome that you got to hold her for so long. I'm sure it was really comforting for both of you! She is such a little trooper; gaining weight like a champ! I love to see the pictures of her. She's such an amazing little girl. Take care!

Lizzi said...

We're so happy to hear how well she is doing. How fun to see her personality shine through! Lots of prayers and best wishes!